Record Fees Paid by the Client

If the client is paying a fee separate from the commission, follow the instructions below to record that fee in a deal in SkySlope Books.




Record the Fee

  1. Open the deal in SkySlope Books.
  2. Navigate to the Transaction card.
  3. Click + Additional Commission.
  4. Enter a label and the amount of the client-paid fee.
  5. Click Save to save your changes.


Ensure Accurate Processing (2 Options)

Option 1 - If the additional fee will be processed with the Commission through the appropriate company splits, no additional steps are required.


Option 2 - If the additional fee will be paid directly to the Company or the Agent, record a Gross Commission Fee to ensure the fee is processed correctly. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the deal and navigate to the Deal Disbursement card.
  2. Click Add Expense and select Gross Commission Fee.
  3. Select the applicable Product/Service.
  4. Select the Receiver (to whom the fee will be paid).
  5. If necessary, enter the amount.
  6. Click Save to save your changes.



If you have any questions, please reach out to the SkySlope Books support team!


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