Bill Payments (EFT via, Create & Print Checks, Record Payment)

After a Bill is created in SkySlope Books, your next step will be to either record a payment that you made outside of Books or pay the bill by creating a check or sending an EFT payment via


The available payment options are:

  1. Direct Deposit: Send EFT via
  2. Print Check: Create and Print checks to pre-printed check stock
  3. Record Payment: Record a payment made outside of Books

Important: Financial Transfer, Card on File and One-time Payment options are not available but will be displayed under the Payment Options


Send EFT Payment via

Important: You will need to have the integration set up first prior to paying bills 

  1. Navigate to Purchases (A/P) > Bills
  2. Locate the Bill you would like to record the payment for and click on the line item
  3. Click on the Payment Options button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen
  4. Select Direct Deposit from the pop-up
  5. Add Bank:
    • If the Contact does not have a Payment Method added to the Contact, you may click "Add Bank" and enter the banking information 
    • The banking information can also be added ahead of time by following the steps in this article
  6. Click Submit to complete the payment


Record Payment

If you are making the payment outside of Books, you will use this option to log the payment for record keeping and reporting purposes

  1. Navigate to Purchases (A/P) > Bills
  2. Locate the Bill you would like to record the payment for and click on the line item
  3. Click on the Payment Options button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen
  4. Select Record Payment from the pop-up
  5. Amount: The amount will auto-populate, if you are paying an amount other than the bill amount, you can override this field
  6. Payment Date: Today's date will auto-populate, update if the bill was paid on another date
  7. Payment Mode: Select the way the payment was made from the dropdown
  8. Paid Through: Select the bank the payment was paid from 
  9. Reference: Add additional information, if applicable
  10. Click the Pay button to log the payment





Create and Print Checks

Important: The check creation steps will be taken in the Bills screen, however, all checks are printed in the Payments Made screen


Step One - Create Checks

  1. Navigate to Purchases (A/P) > Bills
  2. Locate the Bill you would like to record the payment for and click on the line item
  3. Click on the Payment Options button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen
  4. Select Print Check from the pop-up to enter the check information and create the check
  5. Amount: The amount will auto-populate, override the amount if you are only paying a partial amount
  6. Payment Date: Today's date will auto-populate
  7. Paid Through: Select the bank account the payment is being made from
  8. Check #: Wait to add the check number once you get to the check printing steps
  9. Memo & Reference: Optional fields to further describe 
  10. Pay: Click the Pay button to create the check

Important: Follow the all steps in Step Two below to print the check


Step Two: Print Checks

  1. Navigate to Purchases > Payments Made.
    • On the Payments Made page, three statuses apply to check payments:
      • Not Printed: Checks that are ready to print.
      • Uncleared: Printed checks that have not been reconciled in SkySlope Books. If you don't reconcile in SkySlope books, checks will remain Uncleared indefinitely.
      • Cleared: Printed checks reconciled in SkySlope Books (which is not required)
  2. Use the Status drop-down to filter by status and easily locate any pending check payments.
  3. Select the checks you are ready to print
  4. Click Print Checks.
  5. In the next window, you will be able to preview the checks and make any necessary adjustments.
  6. Click Print. (Don't worry, they're not being sent to the printer just yet.)
  7. In the Print Preview window, you can select the print destination. Once you're ready, click Print! (Now they're actually being sent to the printer.)
  8. After the checks have been printed, you will enter the check number, if there are multiple checks, just enter the first number in the batch. Then click Next.
  9. After that, if there are multiple checks, Books will automatically number the following checks sequentially for you!
  10. Did the checks print correct?
    • Double-check if the check printed correct and the check number is correct.
    • If you need to change one of the check numbers, you can do so on this screen.
    • If a check didn't print correctly, select No to return it to the queue to be re-printed.
    • If it did print correctly, select Yes
  11. Click Save.
  12. The check status will now update to Uncleared and will stay in that status unless your brokerage Reconciles in Books


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