Invoice Statements - Brokerage

Invoice Statements in Books provide the option for brokerages to view previous balances, total invoice amount, total payments received, and credits for invoices within a specific date range and the total amount due for each contact.

In addition, brokerages can prepare and send the invoice statement to that contact and the contact may view all the invoice details. 

Payments via If the integration is set up, the agent can make a payment directly from a link in the invoice statement!  

In this article, we will review the functionality at a brokerage level to view and send invoice statements to Contacts.


Viewing Invoice Statements

1.  Go to the Left Navigation bar > Invoices > Statements

2.  The Brokerage may now view Invoice Statements for any given time period

3.  Filters & Column Headers: Its important to understand how the filters and data under the column headers work

  • Filters
    • From & To Date: By default, the previous month will populate here, however, you can enter any date range here
    • Customer/Group: Enter a Customer/Group here that you would like view invoice statements for
  • Column Headers
    • Customer: All contacts in each Brokerage account
    • Previous Balance: The balance due on any unpaid invoices prior to the "from" date entered in the top-right
    • Invoice Amount: The total amount of all invoices for the date range entered  
    • Payment Received: The total amount of payments received for invoices for the date range entered  
    • Credit Notes: The total amount of credits applied to invoices for the date range entered
    • Last Sent: The last date that an invoice statement was sent to the customer
    • Amount Due: Previous Balance + Invoice Amount less Payment Received & Credit Notes



Sending Invoice Statements

1.  Go to the Left Navigation bar > Invoices > Statements

2. Click on the checkbox for any customer(s) that you would like to send an invoice statement to

3. After all customers are selected, click on Send statements in the bottom middle of the screen

4. After sending, an in-progress logo will appear next to each customer, once the statements have been sent, a pop-up notification will appear

5. The "Last Sent" column will update with today's date

6. The customer will now receive an email notification and will be able to view the invoice statement

7. If the brokerage has setup the integration to allow for electronic payment of invoices, and the invoice was setup to allow this type of payment method, the customer will be able to pay via their bank account and/or credit card directly from the invoice statement

Note: Invoice Statements that are sent to agents will update real-time as payments are made or invoices are added for the date range or on previous balances. 




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