Processing Payouts — Record Payment

This article will review how to Record Payments for a deal.  Record Payment will be utilized when you have disbursed the payout on a deal outside of SkySlope Books, and you want to record the payout for bookkeeping purposes.  The process will vary depending on whether you record the payment on the Edit Deal Page or the Remaining Payouts screen.   


Edit Deal Page - Record Payment

exclamation.png Before you begin processing payouts, best practice is to confirm payments have been received prior to processing any payouts. Click here to learn how to do that in bulk.  However, if you don't confirm payments until after disbursement, that option is available as well.

  1. Navigate to the deal.
  2. Once in the deal, click on Payouts at the top of the page.
  3. Then, navigate to the Remaining tab to see which payouts are remaining.
  4. Click Process Payout and select the Record Payment payout method.
  5. Next, you will need to provide some details about the payment that was processed outside of SkySlope Books:
    - Payment Date
    - Payment Mode
    - Paid Through (Account money was deposited to)
  6. When you are ready to record the payment, click Save & Proceed.
  7. You will see a green confirmation the lower right corner of your screen.

Process Record Check.gif


Remaining Payouts - Record Payment

exclamation.png Before you begin processing payouts, best practice is to confirm payments have been received prior to processing any payouts. Click here to learn how to do that in bulk.  However, if you don't confirm payments until after disbursement, that option is available as well.

  1. In the left menu, navigate to Deals.
  2. Then, navigate to Remaining Payouts.
  3. Select the payments you want to process.
    Important: For batch processing, you can only select payments that will be processed via the same payment method. For this example, only select the ones you'd like to record a payment that's already been made.
  4. After selecting the payments, select Record Payment from the blue options bar at the bottom.
  5. Next, you will need to provide some details about the payment that was processed outside of SkySlope Books:
    - Payment Date
    - Payment Mode
    - Paid Through (Account used for payment)
  6. At the bottom of this screen, there is a toggle switch to Combine Payments. With this option turned on, multiple payments for one individual will be combined into a single payment, totaling the sum of all individual payments.
  7. When you are ready to process the payment, click Save & Proceed.
  8. Once the payments have been processed, they will remain on the screen with a green checkmark until the page is refreshed. 


Tips & Best Practices for the Remaining Payouts Screen

  • Approve Disbursement
    • Before you can process payouts, you must first navigate to the Edit Deal page and Approve Disbursement.
  • Combine Payments
    • Whenever you are processing more than one payment for an individual, you will have the option to Combine Payments. For example, if Agent Amy has two remaining payouts (one for $25,000 and one for $40,000), you can opt to combine them into one individual payout (totaling $65,000).
  • Working Page
    • The Remaining Payouts page is a "working page", meaning it is constantly updating. After payments have been processed, the payment(s) will remain on the list of remaining payouts with a green checkmark. This green checkmark means they've already been processed. Once you refresh or leave the page, these payouts will no longer be on the list.


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