Best Practices for Printing Checks

We've curated this list of tips and best practices for printing checks in SkySlope Books. These tips come from our Customer Support and Customer Success teams and from users just like you! 

In this article, we'll go over:


Adjusting the Print Location

On the check-printing screen, you will have the opportunity to shift the printed portions to allow for the best alignment with your checks. 

Adjust the numbers for the Horizontal Shift Horizontal.png and Vertical Shift Vertical.png to change the print location. 

Note: Adjustments here will affect ALL of the printed portions, not a single field.

Hor and Vert shift.png


Default: Horizontal Shift: 0  |  Vertical Shift: 0

Horizontal Shift: Higher number = moves to the RIGHT; Lower number = moves to the LEFT.

Vertical Shift: Higher number = moves to the BOTTOM; Lower number = moves to the TOP.

Here is a visual breakdown of the position: 

Shifting Check Position (1).png


Complete a Test Print

exclamation.png We highly recommend you complete a test print prior to printing checks to ensure the position is correct. Ideally, you will only have to do this once. After you've adjusted the horizontal and vertical shift locations (shown above), that location will be saved and used for all future check printing.

Follow these steps to complete a test print:

  1. Set proper horizontal and vertical shifts.
  2. Click Print in the lower right corner. 
  3. A Print Preview page will open to allow you to review prior to printing. 
  4. Ensure you have blank paper loaded in the printer (not check stock).
  5. Click Print to send the test print job to your printer.
  6. Once the paper is printed, compare it with your check stock to see if it aligns as needed.
  7. Continue to make adjustments to the horizontal and vertical shifts, if necessary.
  8. After printing, you will see a pop-up that asks "Did your check print correctly?" If you just completed your test print, you want to click No to ensure you have the opportunity to print this check again on your check stock, rather than blank paper.



Top Printing vs. Bottom/Middle Printing Checks

SkySlope Books allows you to select where you want your check to print.  As shown in the visual below, your check type may be top printing, middle printing or bottom printing. 

Top Mid Bot Printing.png

1. Select the Check Position drop-down.

2. Select top, middle, or bottom, depending on what check stock you have.

Note: The selection will be defaulted after you print your first check.



Printing Checks

Once you're ready to print, click here to view instructions for printing checks! 🖨️


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