Disbursement Status on Deals

When viewing Deals on a Deal Board or on the Edit Deal Page, the Disbursement Status is visible.  Disbursement Statuses automatically update when you take specific actions as part of the workflow processing.  

To learn all about the Workflow for Processing Deals and how to take the appropriate steps to move deals through the appropriate disbursement statuses, check out this article!

Disbursement Statuses

Here are the available statuses and a brief explanation of what they mean.  Hover your cursor over the info icon info.png within SkySlope Books to view more information about the Disbursement Status.

Incomplete Deal: The deal was created but is missing information.

info.png  Some required information is still missing from this deal.

Pending Approval: All information was provided and is still waiting approval.

info.png  Deal is ready for review and approval.

Pending Payment Confirmation: The deal was approved, but the brokerage has not yet confirmed payments received.

info.png  There are closing payments awaiting confirmation.

Pending Remaining Payouts: The deal was approved and awaiting payouts.

info.png  There are incomplete remaining payouts.

Payment Processed: The deal was approved, closing funds were received, and all payouts were complete.

info.png  All payments and confirmations are complete.


Actions to Update Disbursement Statuses

Action Status Update
Click "Approve" Deal status will change to Pending Payment Confirmation
Confirm Payment (on the Payouts tab or the Confirm Payments screen) Deal status will change to "Pending Remaining Payouts" (Pay at Remaining Deals) or "Payment Processed" (Pay at Closing Deals)
Process Remaining Payouts (on the Payouts tab or the Remaining Payouts screen) Deal status will change to "Payments Processed"



Viewing Deal Statuses

Deal Board:


Edit Deal Page:


Filtering by Deal Status

1. Navigate to the All Deals page

2. Click on Filter in the top right-hand corner of the screen

3. Select one or more Disbursement Statuses to filter your view

Note: If you have created a custom deal board, which only looks for files in a specific status, and you attempt to filter for a status that doesn't exist on the Deal Board, the deal will not be displayed.


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