For you to be able to receive electronic funds transfers from you brokerage, your bank must be added to your Books account. Follow the instructions outlined below to ensure you're ready to receive EFT payments.
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Create Account
Before you can add your bank account, you must ensure you've received an invite.
If you don't have an invite, reach out to your Broker/Admin.
1. Open your email invitation and click Create Account to get started.
2. In the new window that opens, create a password to complete the new user registration. Then click Submit.
3. Go to and log into SkySlope Books.
Do not change the company dropdown to My Business. Your brokerage will be shown by default, the brokerage must be listed in the dropdown prior to following the next steps.
4. Click on the profile icon in the upper right corner. Then select Login/Profile.
5. A settings modal will open on the right side of your screen. Click on Company Profile to open your company settings. Then under Financial Information, click Manage Accounts.
6. In the new window that opens, click Add Bank Account.
7. Next, provide any necessary personal details and your bank account number and routing number. Then click Submit.
8. Once you've provided the necessary details, the account will show under Direct Deposit.
9. You are now ready to receive EFT payments from your brokerage!
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