Adding Income/Expenses to Deal Cards (Classic View)

Deal cards are located within the Disbursement card on the Edit Deal Page.  Here you will have the Deal, Company, and Sales Entities cards.  Think of the cards as money buckets. 

Income and expenses will flow in and out based on the commission calculation and the deal rules.  However, there are instances where you will need to manually add income/expenses to a Deal.  For example, adding a referral fee or any income/expense that can't be automated.

There are three types of deal cards:

  • Deal Card: This is the commission for the Deal.  If you want to add income or expenses to the Deal card, those funds will be added or deducted from the deal as a whole, affecting all other cards during the commission plan calculation.

  • Company Card: This is the commission split to the brokerage.  As opposed to the deal card, if you add income/expenses to the Company card, those funds will be added to or deducted from the company's card, not affecting any other card's financials.

  • Sales Entity Card(s): This is the commission split to the agent and any other agents, vendors or customers receiving income from the Deal. Similarly, if you add income/expenses to the Sales Entity (agent, vendor or customer) card(s), those funds will be added to or deducted from the sales entity's card, only affecting their financials.


Adding income/expenses to a deal:

First, navigate to the deal you want to add additional income or expenses to.  

1. Use the Search Bar or locate the Deal from the All Deals screen.

2. Once located, click the pencil icon to Edit.

2. Scroll down to Disbursement card.

3. Click on the Deal card if you are adding income/expense from the deal as a whole, affecting all other cards during the commission plan calculation.

4. Click on the Company card if you are adding income/expense from/to the Company and not affecting any other cards financials.

5. Click on the Sales Entity card if you are adding income/expense from/to the Sales Entity and not affecting any other cards financials.

6. Next, click the + Add item button and select the appropriate option.  In this example, we will add a Company Expense to the Company Card for a Transaction Coordinator Fee.

Note: The Deal, Company and Sales Entity Card(s), will have different options in the +Add item dropdown.  If you are uncertain on which option to select, please reach out to the Support team.

7. Product/Service: Add this first, it will flow up to populate Label field automatically. 

Note: If you don't see the Product/Service for the income/expense, it can be added by creating a new product/service. However, it is recommended that you contact your administrator or the SkySlope Support team to make sure this is correctly set up at the company level.

8. Receiver Contact: Who is receiving the income/expense.  

9. Amount: Enter the amount of the income/expense.

10. Optional: If you aren't entering a flat fee, you can select the dropdown here to calculate based on the options shown.

11. Important: Select "Pay at Closing" if the Title Company will be disbursing the Referral Fee.  Select "Pay at Remaining" if the brokerage will be disbursing the Referral Fee.  Be sure to select the appropriate option here.

12. After adding the Income/Expense fields, the Income/Expense will flow to the appropriate card.  In this example, we added a Transaction Coordinator payment, so an additional Sales Entity card is not available, reflecting the payment to the TC.  

13. Click Save 




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